restoration harcourt

A collection of my thoughts and experiences during the restoration of a 1924 bungalow in Los Angeles.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Restoration Update

Around the end of March, I began the transition of moving into the house. I haven’t moved all of my belongings, but since my bed is here and I have a functioning (and larger) bathroom, it made sense to make the transition now. Not that there were no setbacks though. Try 2 broken windows, no attic door and enough rain and wind to make me question my decision to remove my wall heater in favor of installing central heat at a later date. Those setbacks either resolved or set aside, I am enjoying being in the house again. Jolie has finally acclimated as well though she doesn’t venture to the living room and the kitchen as she did initially. I didn’t want her to get hurt crawling around tools and materials so I waited until at least half of the house was livable. Since I didn’t want to leave her alone days at a time, leaving her at the apt was no longer a workable solution either. The eBay sconces are up in the living room, but not functioning yet. The switch needs to be connected to the new wiring. My style throughout the house has evolved – combining art deco, vintage and modern with an arts and crafts flavor. It makes for an eclectic mix, but I’m really pleased with the results.


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